The naan was heart-shaped and the curry was hot! 50 great curries of india by camellia panjabi sent me scurrying to my local Indian grocer on Palm Avenue. Nirmal, the owner, is from Nepal. Do you know about Nepal? he asks. Well, I know a little something about the hash... I will return to his market to buy kava which he suggested and I have not tried and also rent some movies which he suggested and I have not tried.....His shelves were filled with magic bags of exotic spices from which I was able to make cauliflower gashi. Coriander seeds, mustard seeds, fenugreek seeds, cumin seeds, turmeric, dried red chiles and tamarind, cinnamon stick, peppercorns, cloves, paprika, sauteed fresh ginger, garlic, onion and coconut all combine to create "the sights, tastes, smells and touches of love." (Kathopanisad 8th century BC) Dhanyabaad.
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