all in
last supper in elko. time to go "all in" with my hotel cache: 1/2 onion, 2 limp carrots, handful spinach, meaty bacon, 1 ripe banana, 2 eggs, container of milk, few tbs. butter, box of broth, a package of yeast, flour and salt 1. take a risk. bake bread in the crockpot. dough rises in ceramic insert. use cuticle scissors to cut aluminum dough cover to prevent lid condensation drip onto crust. bake 2 hours on high. peek under lid. no upper crust. peel off thin gooey sheet of filo-like dough. find baked bread beneath 2. turn out loaf. cool upside down on muffin tin 3. ask for divine bread-spread inspiration from food network. wish granted. 2 guys talk about peanut butter-banana-bacon sandwiches. find a jar of salted peanuts in the room. crush peanuts with bottom of salt jar, microwave pork strips,slice banana 4. elvis spotting in elko 5. onto the soup. blanch spinach in microwave. chop fine, then grind with bottom of olive oil jar 6. mix with flour, egg and salt to make noodle dough. use wine bottle as rolliing pin and flattened aluminum tray as board. watch flying flour migrate to floor, desk and computer. cut and dry. add to crockpot veggie-flavored chicken broth soup last few minutes of cooking
last supper menu: green noodle soup and viva el elko sandwich